Tennessee Christian Assisted Living

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Tennessee has an unusual mix of Christian assisted living facilities, with many that are very well rated and almost as many that are poorly rated. By highly rated, we mean 4+ stars and at least a half dozen reviews. By poorly rated, we mean less than 3 stars and at least as many reviews. So, in Tennessee seniors will have to pay special attention to reviews with the expectation that many will be dismal.

Compare these examples of assisted living communities in Tennessee:

Martin Boyd Christian Home is a Christ centered assisted living facility in Chattanooga, TN, and has awarded the 2019 Best of Assisted Living for 2019, which is something only 1% of all assisted living centers can receive.

Compare that to Cornerstone Village, in Johnson City, where a dozen reviews suggest this center is marginal, at best, despite the fact that it has been awarded the Gold Seal National Quality Approval by The Joint Commission.

So, it is an odd mix that will need more careful consideration as senior explore Christian assisted living facilities in this state.

Cost of Christian Assisted Living in Tennessee

Christian assisted living facilities, and secular assisted living facilities are right on the mark, compared to the nation average of $4,000 per month. Chattanooga, TN, has the lowest average cost, at $3,225, but there individual Christian assisted living centers, Like Grace manor in Nashville where staring rates can drop to $2,500 per month. Prices are another area where extra attention will be required. There are some really great deals to go along with some really great Christian centers for seniors.

Christian Assisted Living Communities in Tennessee - Amenities

A Christian assisted living center and a Christian community have a lot in common. They both draw their spirit from a community of Christ’s followers. In fact, the very heartbeat of these communities is built upon the unshakable belief that God, through Jesus Christ, is the only way to salvation and that supporting each other in the community is nothing short of God’s will.

The fact that a Christian assisted living center is just a small community doesn’t make any of this less true and in some ways, this community of seniors may demonstrate an even stronger faith than the larger church communities with a more diverse group of parishioners.

Christian assisted living facilities build faithful communities based on four principal amenities:

Christian Retirement Communities in Tennessee - Religious Amenities

  1. The chapel is the cornerstone of faithful activities in these centers. It is the beacon for the faithful who are actively working to build a stronger and more personal relationship with God. It is a committed space, available to all 24/7, so no matter why or when the need arises, seniors can find solace and tranquility in this sanctuary. Of course, this is where worship services are held, where bile studies will be conducted and where spiritual counseling will be offered, so like the church, the chapel is there to serve.
  2. A chapel isn’t complete without a chaplain / minister, that will embrace the flock and guide every member of the congregation to God’s redeeming light. This minster, or chaplain if you will, is both teacher and counselor, and the role this person play with set the tone and help define the personality of their congregation. For this reason, their role is the key to each parishioner’s journey toward salvation.
  3. Caregivers don’t have to share the Christian faith but it certainly helps when they do, and they can be expected to when they are working in a Christian assisted living center. It helps because the Christian faith will have instilled in them a greater appreciation for the tenets of compassion, respect and patience, all of which are keys to providing seniors with dignified care.
  4. Finally, seniors need opportunities to strengthen their faith and to reinforce their commitment to a life that honors Christ’s teaching. These opportunities come in the form of activities like bible study, prayer meetings, community outreach programs and a myriad of opportunities to serve the community through volunteering.

Christian Assisted Living in Tennessee - General Amenities

When an aging adult gets out of bed in the morning and can barely straighten up, or when the first step that take feel more like a drunken dance to the bathroom, it is probably time to consider getting some help. If the last time a senior took a nasty fall was the result of nothing more than trying to get from the kitchen to the living room. Help is definitely in order. If remembering to take need medications is more challenging than the crossword puzzle in the Sunday paper, help is an absolute must.

Assisted living centers provide direct care for all of these things with a set of tasks that are referred to as ADL’s or Assisted Daily Living tasks. These include help with mobility so seniors can stay confidently active. They also provide direct assistance with dressing, bathing and grooming, as well as assistance using the toilet. Medications are managed to help ensure better treatment outcomes and health is monitored to quickly identify any developing health issues. In addition, daily housekeeping and maintenance are handled without seniors every having to worry about picking up a mop or climbing a ladder.

There are additional levels of care as well to help those seniors that need rehabilitation therapy or who may be suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. For the latter, assisted living facilities offer memory care which is a combination of sensation therapies using music, smell, taste and touch, and greater security so these patients are less likely to wander off get lost.

Community managers in these assisted living facilities work to develop a wide range of programs that help seniors keep happily busy, both mentally and physically. There are fitness programs, craft programs, hands-on learning programs, plus a whole lot of fun, games and entertainment that adds to the excitement of each new day.

Meals are served three times a day, in find dining rooms and share around the table with good friends. They are selected from a well-planned menu and prepared by professional chefs that never forget that nutritional value is worthless if the food doesn’t taste great, from start to finish.

Apartments in assisted living facilities offer seniors both a slice of home and the privacy they desire. These are laid out in studio or efficiency designs and one- or two-bedroom apartments. For those that are on a tight budget or just like the comradery of sharing, there are also semi-private suites.

Tennessee is definitely a mix of good and not so good, with prices that can be very friendly or just average, so there will be a lot to explore as seniors work to find the best Christian assisted living facility for their needs. Give us a call to speak to a local senior living adviser in your area.

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222 Christian Assisted Living Facilities in Tennessee

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