Connecticut Assisted Living

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The state of Connecticut has at least 8 Catholic assisted living facilities that are ready, willing, and able to care for Catholic seniors when living independently is no longer a wise option. They are spread across the state from Springfield, heading south and all along the coast of Long Island Sound. Some, like Little Sisters of the Poor, and Mercy Health Systems, are part of a large organization, with assisted living facilities well beyond Connecticut. Others, like Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services, have multiple locations but only in Connecticut. Still others, like St. Lucien’s Residence, has just one location from which they offer care.
Cost of Catholic Assisted Living in Connecticut
At an average of $4,880 per month for a place in a Catholic assisted living facility, Connecticut is about 20% more expense than the US average, but at $3,750, New Haven, CT. Bridgeport, on the other hand, is significantly more expensive at $6,850 per month, on average. The least expensive options will be found with Little Sisters of the Poor where Catholic assisted living services, in a semi-private room, can cost less than $2,000 per month.
Catholic Assisted Living Communities in Connecticut - Amenities
Assisted living facilities that are driven by the Catholic faith have some unique amenities that other faith-based facilities, and certainly secular facilities will not offer. But at their core, they are still assisted living facilities that are focused on caring for elderly adults that are unable to manage their daily lives without a bit of assistance. This means that these faith-based assisted living facilities that focus on a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual health, making them truly holistic.
Catholic Retirement Communities in Connecticut - Religious Amenities
Catholic assisted living facilities are unique, compared to secular assisted living facilities, because faith plays an integral role in almost every aspect of daily life for both residents and staff. This begins with regular church services, often set in a consecrated chapel in the center. These centers will often have other dedicated space set aside for prayer, for religious counseling, and for bible study.
Catholic assisted living facilities will also have special religious programs that follow important events in the ecclesiastical calendar. For example, during the Lenten season, menus will change so residents can avoid things like meat on Fridays and periods of fasting during Holy week.
While many daily activities will be exactly as they are in secular assisted living facilities, there will be things like bible study and prayer circles, along with outings to various parishes and other places of pilgrimage, that will fit well with faithful seniors.
In terms of the local parishes and parish priests, Catholic assisted living facilities will have close ties to their local church and will do their best to help seniors remain actively connected to their home parish as well. This may require special transportation assistance but when possible, it can help seniors transition from independent living to assisted living with much less agitation.
Catholic Senior Living in Connecticut - Amenities
In most cases, seniors entering an assisted living facility would rather live independently and aren’t always completely happy about the transition into any assisted living facility. However, they also realize that the aging processing is taking a toll and what used to be simple has now become a real chore, and maybe even a bit risky. Slips and falls are becoming more common place. Lost balance and a lack of stamina are beginning to take a toll as well. This is the time when assisted living facilities step in, and this is true whether this is a Catholic assisted living facility or a secular assisted living center.
ADL’s, (assisted daily living), help define the services assisted living facilities employ to help aging seniors deal with these new challenges. Caregivers provide direct assistance with a range of daily personal tasks like dressing and grooming, bathing and using the toilet, getting around the home as each day unfolds and helping seniors eat as well. They will provide reminders that help ensure medications are taken as prescribed and reminders as well that help deal with issues of incontinence.
Each day includes 3 meals and regular snacks in between. Meals are typically prepared in either a professional kitchen and are homecooked when the assisted living facility is small enough to allow that to be done well. The food will be tailored to the dietary needs of each senior so those on low-sodium or low-fat diets can enjoy their meals with confidence.
Activities that excite a diverse set of interests help seniors find fulfilling things to do throughout the day, and these are in addition to the faith-based activities Catholic assisted living facilities focus on. They can include purposeful things dealing with arts, literature, music, or continuing education. They may also include fun things like dances, entertainment and in-home movies. This is also where fitness programs are typically introduced so seniors can maintain and improve their physical abilities.
There is a unique category of care that is offered specifically for elderly adults that are having issues with various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Memory care helps these seniors find enjoyment in each day while also helping to hold back the flood gates on emotional issues like anxiety, frustration and depression, that often accompanies memory loss. Seniors should expect to pay additional for this level of care though, as it does require quite a bit of extra care to ensure these residents are kept safe and well cared for.
Private living spaces are a feature of all assisted living facilities, whether they are Catholic or not. Most often, living arrangements include semi-private rooms, (2 to 4 per room), studio suites, and one- or two-bedroom apartments. Rental rates will vary based on the type and size of the living space a senior, or their loved one, select.
Ratings for the majority of these Catholic assisted living facilities are strong, at 4-Stars or better but in many cases, there are very few, if any, published reviews. The Mercy Community is a good example of a solid 4.5-star rating but just a few reviews. While that is certainly enough to make this assisted living facility well worth a closer look, it may not be enough to say with complete certainty that this will be a great Catholic assisted living facility to settle into.
Catholic assisted living facilities in Connecticut have quite a bit to offer, even if there aren’t very many of them to choose from, so don’t worry about losing touch with your faith and your Catholic community. Have faith. There is a Catholic assisted living facility waiting for you.
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- Windham County
- Windsor Locks
- Wolcott
- Woodbridge
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