Rhode Island Assisted Living

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In Rhode Island, Catholic assisted living facilities are there and there are actually quite a few to choose from, but they aren’t always easy to find. This is especially true if you consider that the name of the assisted living facility should be the first obvious clue. For example, St. Antoine Residence is absolutely a Catholic assisted living center, with a resident Deacon and daily mass. St. Clare Newport is too but in this case there is no clear sign that any ordained members of the church are part of the care team, even though they are affiliated with the order of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. Then there is St. Elizabeth Community, which might suggest a Catholic relationship but there are no signs at all that this assisted living center is at all faith based. So, finding a Catholic assisted living facility in Rhode Island is definitely possible. It may just require going on a bit of a hunting expedition.
Cost of Catholic Assisted Living in Rhode Island
How much does Assisted Living cost in Rhode Island? There is very little pricing data available for Rhode Island but what we do have suggests this state is a good deal more expensive than most others in the US. The national monthly average for assisted living comes in at about $4,000 while the monthly rate in Rhode Island is nearly $5,200. However, these are at least some, including Catholic assisted living facilities where the rates are actually at or below the national average, so don’t let the high average get in the way. Seniors should be able to find good alternatives and friendlier prices.
Catholic Assisted Living Communities in Rhode Island - Amenities
In Rhode Island, Catholic assisted living facilities are varied. Some are purely Catholic, with ordained members of the church playing an active role in the daily life of the residents. Others are Catholic but have no fulltime staff that are ordained. Catholic retirement communities in Rhode Island do however, have direct and important affiliations with church groups that help guide the spiritual life in these senior living centers. Then there are those that are faith-based but not purely Catholic. Faith does play an important role but that faith is non-denominational and at least to some extent, independent of the Catholic church. Seniors will have to make a decision about what level of Catholic tradition and support will best meet their spiritual needs.
One of the best ways to determine the level of commitment each ostensibly Catholic assisted living facility has to the faith is to look at their mass schedule. If the Eucharistic mass is offered, in-house and every day, this is clearly a Catholic assisted living facility. It may still be Catholic is masses are held at a nearby parish church or broadcast into the center daily as long as seniors have the opportunity to celebrate the mass consistently. It is something other than Catholic is mass is only offered once a week or what is offered is a non-denominational worship service.
An assisted living residence that is faith oriented but not necessarily Catholic-centric can still offer seniors a fulfilling spiritual experience. These retirement communities shouldn’t be immediately written off just because they aren’t “Catholic” assisted living facilities. It just a matter of balancing their focus on faith with all of the other important services assisted living centers provide, before seniors decide which will best meet all of their care needs.
Catholic Assisted Living Communities in Rhode Island - Religious Amenities
There are three key amenities that make a Catholic assisted living facility, Catholic and the first of these is their chapel. Like the local parish church, this is the heart and soul of the community. Masses are offered, confessions are heard, spiritual counselling is offered and prayer groups convene. Seniors also have the opportunity to participate actively as lectors and lay ministers, if they wish to become more deeply immersed in the faith.
Even in assisted living residences that aren’t Catholic assisted living facilities, it will be true that there is a chaplain on staff or on call at all times. In Catholic assisted living facilities this person will likely be an ordained minister of the church and they will have easy access to priest and others in the nearby parishes that can provide addition care. This makes them the second of these three key amenities.
The last of the three are the residents themselves and how involved they become in forming worship and bible study groups. Being a faithful Catholic isn’t a passive thing. It requires active participation. That participation doesn’t have to be in a group setting but it does help when they faith is shared by close-knit groups. For this reason, seniors banding together, especially in assisted living centers that are purely Catholic, are an important amenity that cannot and must not be underestimated.
Catholic Retirement Communities in Rhode Island - General Amenities
Assisted living facilities provide just the right amount of care so seniors can still live a healthy, active and as independent as possible lifestyle. First, seniors are relieved from doing most daily housekeeping and all of the typical maintenance they’ve had to deal with. Housekeeping and maintenance teams take those over. Seniors get assistance with daily tasks as needed, with bathing, dressing, grooming using the toilet, and getting up and around as they enjoy all of the activities that fill each day. Seniors can also count on help with their medications so they never miss them again.
This is the kind of help that makes everything else possible and it is exactly why the common perceptions are so completely wrong. Assisted living facilities facilitate a liberated life that aging adults simply can’t enjoy independently. But they don’t stop there.
Meals are a great example of how the best of these assisted living facilities go above and beyond when caring for their residents. Three times a day, the culinary team offers a diverse menu of dishes that offer something delicious for everyone’s tastes. These are professionally prepared and present, in a restaurant atmosphere, where seniors can sit and enjoy while socializing and just having fun. This quickly becomes a highlight of the day for many residents, but even here, assisted living facilities take it a step further by consulting with trained dieticians that help ensure the food and the all-day snacks are healthy too.
Then there are the activities that fill each day with lots of interesting things for seniors to get involved in, like arts and crafts, music, fitness, education, games, entertainment and various outings for things like shopping. Life in assisted living facilities can be as laid back or as active as each senior wishes. These are not hospitals. They are life centers where no one needs to be focused on anything more than what great fun they will be having tomorrow and beyond.
Catholic assisted living in Rhode Island will require a bit of work to uncover but it will be well worth the effort.
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