Montana Assisted Living

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Finding a Catholic assisted living facility is quite a challenge in Montana. There are few, if any listed assisted living residences that are specifically Catholic but, there are a fair number that are faith based, so, for the faithful, a non-denominational assisted living center may be the next best choice for those looking for a Catholic assisted living facility.
Cost of Catholic Assisted Living in Montana
The cost for all assisted living facilities including Catholic or faith-based centers, average as bit less than average notional rates, but not by very much, and most cities in the state are a bit higher than the average pf $4,000 per month. Great Falls, MT, is the most economical at $3,800 per month, with Missoula, MT, holding the top spot at nearly $4,900 per month. Billing sit at about the middle of the range at $4,300+ per month. So, assisted living in Montana won’t break the bank when compared to the rest of the US but it may be as completely satisfying for the Catholic soul.
Catholic Assisted Living Communities in Montana - Amenities
In the absence of a true Catholic assisted living facility, some amenities seniors might expect to find will be missing or minimized. Some daily routines will be different as well.
For example, in a Catholic living environment, seniors would expect everything to pause at 3:00 PM the prayer of Devine Mercy and at 6:00 PM for the Angelus. That doesn’t mean Catholic seniors can’t join together to pray at these times but the rest of the center will continue as normal while they do.
Also missing will be daily Eucharistic Mass. Most non-denominational centers will offer a mass at least once a week but that will not meet the needs of devout seniors. For these seniors, the next best alternative will be to find and assisted living facility that is in close proximity to a Catholic church where they can join the larger community for mass each day.
What you will find in all of the faith-based assisted living facilities that will be consistent with Catholic assisted living facilities is bible study. Groups of seniors will join together for regular study and prayer sessions that will be just as enriching. You can check the calendar of events in these centers to see what is offered and how often but expect to see regular programs that will happen at least a few times every week and maybe even daily.
In a Catholic assisted living facility, seniors would expect to find a mix of Ordained members of the church, who either work in the center or visit often, to serve the soulful needs of the faithful. In a non-denominational center this will most like be replaced by a Chaplain that can call members of the local parish for support when needed. It won’t be quite the same but can still successfully meets the needs of seniors as the strive to live their faith.
Search results can be misleading. There may be smaller Catholic assisted living facilities that are distinctly Catholic in Montana and the only way to uncover those may be to contact the local Diocese offices and ask for guidance. But even if there isn’t, the faithful will find ways to Glorify the Lord in ways that are consistent with the faith of the Church.
Catholic Retirement Communities in Montana - Religious Amenities
When seniors find a faith-based assisted living facility it does not necessarily have to be Catholic to have a care team of support staff that will be dedicated to meeting the needs of the seniors in their care. Faith in God will guide their approach to delivering care that helps create real bonds that the lives of all. So even if the assisted living center is not Catholic, the care team is the first and most important amenity these senior living centers offer seniors.
While the chapel may not be specifically Catholic, it is a place of faith where prayer contemplation happens. For seniors of all faiths, this is a haven they can retreat to anytime they feel the need to talk with God to ask guidance and to appreciate His many blessings.
Having a close relationship with the local parish community, seniors in the assisted living facilities can count on seeing parish priests, and others from the church, that will happily bring the Catholic faith to them. So, even in multi-faith environments, the level of spiritual care seniors enjoy will enrich their lives and strengthen their faith in God.
Catholic assisted living facilities would normally have numerous outreach programs that bring seniors together with the local church community. This doesn’t change when living in an assisted living center that is not specifically Catholic. It just means that there may be fewer events and more of the events that are available may require a short trip to the parish to participate.
Catholic Assisted Living Facilities in Montana - Amenities
Getting older is inevitable. Getting old isn’t. Getting older does means we slow down. It does mean we find doing some of the basics more difficult that we’d ever imagined. Getting older means we become more aware of our own mortality. These are all natural occurrences. How we face them determines where getting older means we get “Old”. All that may be required is a bit of a helping hand and a positive outlook on life to ensure these unavoidable changes don’t create impenetrable barriers to living and that is where a good assisted living facility comes into play.
In an assisted living facility, their care teams help seniors deal with the daily needs of life, like bathing, grooming and dressing. They will help residents use the toilet safely. When manual dexterity becomes limited, they can help seniors eat and help senior residents move around the assisted living facility so they can take full advantage of all of the amenities and programs that are being offered. This care is commonly known as Assisted Daily Living or ADL’s and together with housekeeping and maintenance, seniors living worry free.
Then there are meals and most assisted living facilities take great pride in delivering 3 truly spectacular meals every day. These are drawn from varied menus, meals are professionally prepared and presented, they taste great, and they are healthy too. In between these meals, most centers offer all-day snacks that help fill the gaps and keep energy levels where they need to be. Meals and snacks are often guided by registered dieticians and take into account specific dietary restrictions that may apply to individual residents.
Apartment living is the norm in these assisted living facilities. They are typically offered in three configurations that include semi-private rooms, studio / efficiency suites, and one-bedroom units. Some centers may also offer companion (two-bedroom), apartments for those seniors that want to share their living space with a family member or friend. These living arrangements have the benefit of being less expensive than choosing two one-bedroom apartments while still offering great individual privacy.
This is the exception rather that the rule, but some assisted living facilities welcome pets, so those seniors with a trusted companion pet can move in together with them.
There may be few, if any Catholic assisted living facilities in Montana, but that doesn’t mean faithful seniors don’t have options. Check out some of the other faith-based centers and seniors can still find great food for the soul.
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